Saturday, June 16, 2007

a wonderful day for mama

It seems like today was one of the days that I would like to see everyday. Mama laughed today. Mama smiled today. Mama had the look of love in her eye when she looked at her children and grandchildren today. She seemed happy in her heart. She had happiness in her heart. She has love in her heart for her family and friends. This disease might have her mind but it does not have her memories. My mom is a wonderful person even now when this awful disease. There are things that I miss about my Mama, alot of things. I miss the long conversations. Some conversations about nothing at all and some conversations about very important things. I miss you telling me that everything is going to be alright. Now I hold your hand and tell you that everything is going to be alright. I leaned on you and now you lean on me. There are so many days that I wish you would put your arms around me and tell me that everything is going to be okay like you did when I was young, but now I put my arms around you and tell you that everything is going to be okay. Mama I just want you know that I love you with all my heart and soul and that I will always be here for you no matter what the outcome. I will do whatever needs to be done for you. I love you are heart and you made the woman that i am today and I thank you for that.


StefanieRose said...

You really are a great person and great daughter. Thanks for being around. *hugs*

rainbowheart said...

You are my buddy and I'm thankful that I found this group. You have so many wonderful things to give to the world so never give up. Be good and be cool.

StefanieRose said...

By the way i was messing with my Blog and found a format i like that has similar colors, i hope you dont mind! :D