This past week has been long and boring..Lost a pet in the first part of the week. Then on Friday I took my Dixie to the vet to get her teeth cleaned. Some folks in this part of the woods is clueless. I caught much slack on that. This was the best one..."you take a dog to the vet to get her teeth cleaned? So how does the vet clean their teeth. You lead a boring life, huh?" Reply.."no, I would never consider my life boring..busy but never boring. And yes, the dog has to have her teeth cleaned too. And the vet cleans a dog teeth like a dentist cleans your teeth. DUH!!!" Saturday was David's birthday and we went out with friends to dinner. We had a really good time. It felt good to get out of town and have some adult conversation. When we got back to town I went by my parents house to see if they were in bed and a light was on in the living room. When I got in the house, Mom was up, waiting on me. That confused me because she never does that. I ask why she was up and she told me that "she was waiting on me to get in." And I was thinking..."okay she is waiting on me...I'm in my 40's and she is still waits on me." She wanted all the details of where we went to dinner and what we had from dinner. So we had a 30 minute conversation on dinner. I miss the days that she would go out and eat dinner with us. Now we can not get her to go to the Dairy Queen or anywhere to go and eat. We can go and get it and bring it home to her and she will eat it but she will not go out. Sad because this is a woman that loved to travel, go out to dinner, take her grandkids to Wal-mart and anywhere else that they wanted to go and now she can not even remember what she had for breakfast. Sad but true. She loves her kids, grandkids and great grandkids. She has days that she thinks that her great grandkids are her kids..days she cries because she can't remember some events in her life. And then there are days when she remembers everything and she wants to take about nothing but the past. Alz. is a pain in the ass. Not to mention the fact that she has Parkinson's to go along with the Alz. She had a very bad day Sunday, shaking all day. The meds. didn't seem to help. We got 6 inches of rain over night Sunday night and she looked out the door Monday and that was the conversation piece for us all day. But I am thankful that she was in a talking mood. There are days that she has nothing to say or she will start talking and then just stop. I hope that every one has a good week. Take care all!!!!!